World mental health day happens every year on 10th October and aims to raise awareness of mental health, important as 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem at some time in our life. This year the theme of mental health day is ‘Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority‘. The world in which we live and the things that are happening have an impact on our mental health.
The world can seem like a daunting and instable place at times. It seems like there is a different breaking news story every day, from the war in Ukraine to the more recent sad announcement that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has died, all this while living through a global pandemic. On top of this young people, like yourself, have the pressures of exams, growing up, home life and so much more to contend with.
All these things will affect us all in different ways and it is important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to feel, we are all different and will react to things in different ways. The best thing we can do to support each other is to be kind and not judge.

This theme gives us the chance to provide you with some wellbeing top tips to support better mental health. It may be a helpful starting point for trying to be kinder to yourself and keeping yourself well.
- Get creative – try drawing, painting, photography or creative, writing, singing, or playing and instrument, dance or drama or making something out of old materials … anything using your imagination and skill.
- Learn something new – learn how to cook or bake something new, go to a local library, museum or gallery or try a new sport or language.
- Be active – something small, like a short walk or talking the stairs instead of the lift, going for a walk, swim, run, or bike ride or a group activity, like tennis, rounders, or football.
- Eat healthily – eating a balanced diet (especially if you’re vegetarian or vegan), but also making sure you eat enough to give your body energy, keeping hydrated and reducing added sugar and caffeine in your food and drink.
- Get enough sleep – go to bed at a time that allows you enough sleep, cut down on screen time before bed, use a blue light filter or night mode on your screen in the evening to help you feel sleepy or try reading a book before bed, or listening to relaxing music.
- Help others – ask a friend how they are, and truly listen to them. If your friend does open up, encourage them to speak to others too!
- Do things you enjoy – try a new hobby such as a playing a sport, baking or cooking, spend time with friends or family or try reading or watching films.
- Connect with others – organise something nice with your friends or family, visit a friend you haven’t seen in a while or try meeting new people by joining a club.
- Do things to help you relax – spend time in nature, see friends, read, listen to music or watch a film, have a bath or shower or try relaxation exercises, meditation, or religious prayer.
- Ask for help if you need it – it’s normal to want to try and deal with things on your own. But opening up to friends, family or other people you trust can help you feel supported. Try and remember it’s always ok to ask for help.
Try having a positive plan for every day, things to include.
Focus on positives
Believe in yourself
Find a reason to get out of bed
Try new things
Contacting friends and important people
Make time for yourself
Chill out
Listen to music
Talk to people in a positive way
Get enough sleep
Eat regular meals
Below are some things to try and avoid.
Being hard on yourself
Focusing on negatives
Feeling guilty about spending some time alone or about going out
Taking things to heart
Staying in bed all day
Being alone all day
Being antisocial
Negative use of social media
Comparing yourself to other people
Worrying too much
Keeping things to yourself
Taking anger out on others
Hurting yourself
Smoking, drinking or drugs.
If you would like to speak to the school nurses or arrange to see your school nurse, please contact us via Chathealth
For more information about mental health please visit our emotional health page

For further support and information with mental health please visit Surrey Mindworks
There are also some great podcasts to listen to from the mental health foundation
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