What a year 2020 has been for us…


With lockdown, and the ‘new normal’, some of you may be finding that you are spending more time at home with your family. For some of you, hanging out with your family may be fun. However, you may have experienced some difficult times at home, or you may be getting more easily upset and frustrated by things.

Eggs with different facial expressions drawn on

Every family is different, but every family is facing similar issues. It is completely normal for families to sometimes disagree or lose their temper with each other. Times of stress, such as lockdown, can leave people feeling more angry and upset.

Your parent/s or step parent/s might argue. You might argue with your stepmum or stepdad. You might even argue with your brother or sister. This is normal when you are all spending more time together in the home.


When your family is fighting, it can be hard to figure out what to do. This can lead to you feeling angry, upset or even ashamed. However you are feeling, it is important to recognise these emotions. Try to notice when you are getting angry so you can do something before things get out of control.


What you can do when you are feeling so angry you could burst…

a piece of art showing an angry face


  1. However upset or angry you are feeling, try to keep your cool – remember that when you show anger or frustration, this may make the person you are arguing with want to annoy you more.
  2. Remove yourself from the room or argument.
  3. Go to your room, scream into a pillow, listen to some music, get creative – draw a picture or do some Mindfulness colouring.
  4. Count to ten, breathing slowly and deeply.


And remember, even when you feel really angry, it is never ok to physically hurt your family.


When you are feeling calmer…

a abstract photo of a woman changing facial expressions, using colours from red to blue, anger to calm

  1. Resolving arguments and friction in the home is all about compromise. At a calm and convenient time, tell your family how you are feeling, be honest.
  2. Talking, instead of shouting, will make your family listen to you more closely.
  3. This can take a lot of patience and is not always easy
  4. Call a family meeting! As a family, try to solve the problem so it doesn’t happen again.


And remember, if things are really difficult, or arguments are getting worse at home, talk to your teacher, or school nurse.


a photobox saying 'you got this'


Remember, if you do tell a trusted adult about your worries at home, they will keep it confidential unless they are worried about your or your family’s safety.