Anti-Bullying Week is organised by The Anti-Bullying Alliance and happens in schools every November. This year’s Anti-Bullying Week has the theme Change Starts With Us and is happening from Monday 11 November  to  Friday 15 November 2019.

This year the theme which has been decided with young people is ‘Change Starts With Us’. The campaign is hoping to show that small changes make a big difference, and that it is everyone’s responsibility to stop bullying.

The Anti bullying alliance completed a survey  with young people and found that of the young people that took part 24% saying they have been bullied once a week or more during the last six months. Nearly one child in every classroom (3%) said they are bullied every day. Young people were also asked how they think bullying could be stopped and 76% of those asked said that social media and gaming platforms should do more, with nearly half saying their schools should do more. More than 44% of children said that the media and influencers had the power to reduce bullying.



Bullying, whatever type is NOT OK. Whether it is physical, verbal, online or social bullying has lasting effects on someone’s self esteem, confidence and emotional health. Take our quiz to see how many types of bullying you can get right. Please remember if you, or anyone that you know is affected by bullying please TELL SOMEONE. Speak to a trusted adult, or text CHAT HEALTH. 

Why not try our quiz to see how well you understand the different types of bullying?



Here at #SSHSURREY we have been supporting Anti Bullying Week by wearing our odd socks. What a great way to remind ourselves that we are all unique and it’s ok to be different.

Why not check out our BULLYING page for more information and advice, and while your there give the word search a go.


To watch the song especially written for Anti Bullying Week by Andy Day click on the image here